Friday, June 8, 2007

Winesburg, Ohio

by Sherwood Anderson.

Quickie recap: A bunch of people live in the smallish town of Winesburg, Ohio.

Quickie review: Plotless, this book contained a series of character sketches, some interconnected, some not, of the people who lived in Winesburg. At the outset, I enjoyed the rich detail, but I found that an entire book's worth just felt tedious after a while. As a collection of short stories, I felt it unsatisfying and uneven. Without a doubt, Anderson is a master, but I quickly fell out of love with this book - it lost steam and I lost the will to keep reading.

Quickie recommendation: I was left disappointed.


Joy Keaton said...

I'm sorry to hear this didn't hold your attention. I loved the characters, but I also loved Spoon River Anthology so I go for that sort of thing.

Jay said...

I think he's an amazing writer, I just felt kind of blah about the entirety.