Thursday, July 5, 2007

Charlotte's Web

by E.B. White.

Quickie recap: Wilbur the pig is going to become Christmas dinner unless his friend Charlotte the spider can save his life.

Quickie review: It seems unfair that White should have more talent in his baby toe than an aspiring writer like myself is likely to ever have in her whole life, but when reading, I am nothing but glad. Sure, it's a book about a pig, but it's also a stirring story about friendship that transcends the barn and the pages of this simply-illustrated book.

Quickie recommendation: I think it's practically a sin to not have a copy of this and Stuart Little on your shelves. Buy both, enjoy both. I still hold that on a rainy Saturday afternoon, there is nothing better than reading these in bed, aloud to your lover.


Joy Keaton said...

I first read this when I was a little too old for it. But it is charming and heartwarming. Decades later every time I see a spider I think of the birth of Charlotte's babies. When a description from a book stays with you for decades: that's good writing.

Chick said...

One of my very first favorite books. I still have my original 4th grade, tattered copy & I'll always keep it.

My teacher told me I'd love it but I didn't believe her. She read it to us on rainy afternoons & not one kid was bored.

I've read it countless times since & have given it as gifts many times.

The illustration on the cover pulled me in too.